
Sunday, August 28, 2011

That's Just The Way It Is

"People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people." ~ V for Vendetta

My father told me how he and his buds were at The Biergarden, our local speak easy, and they got on the topic of college tuition. One person said the amount of debt the kids are in by the time they graduate is ridiculous, then reasoned that it was because of the high cost of tuition. (I can relate!) Other folks countered with, "That's just the way it is."


I absolutely hate that phrase. The cop out to end all cop outs; the mother of all excuses: That's just the way it is. What a horrible way to think. How many revolutions and movements have we seen, both around the world and in our own backyard, that have changed the way things were done? What about all the different types of legislation put into place because people were tired of not mattering?

So I, not so respectfully, disagree with That's just the way it is. For those of you who accept things the way they are, when there's obviously a problem, you are the reason that these same things keep happening.

We are the consumers, the constituents, the recipients. We are the cogs that make the wheels turn. Please, people, stop accepting That's just the way it is as an answer.

It is merely a deterrent.