
Monday, April 25, 2011

Significant Others Used as Qualifiers

Grammatically speaking, that is to say.

It really bugs me when people start every sentence with BF wanted..., GF says..., BF called... OK. We get it. You're in a relationship. Is it necessary for you to tell the world that you and your significant other do everything together?

It's quite likely that you use your BF/GF as a modifier so often that the rest of us can assume you're talking about them when ever you speak. For the record, I have no issue when people call each other by their names. John and I this, Suzy and I that.

Does this make me a hater? Call it what you will, but there are plenty of SECURE couples out there who don't feel the need to mention their significant other in every sentence.

So what's the deal? Are there folks that do it to make the other feel better? Do they do it to reassure themselves? Or is it really just a ploy to annoy the rest of us? Better still, has social media just gotten the better of grammar and people have just gotten too lazy to do any more than the bare minimum?

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